Sunday, January 9, 2011

Getting ready to party

Not really...but that's the theme of the pictures I clicked today. Here goes...

You like? 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A gift to myself

Christmas holds a special place in my heart. At home, we would decorate a small tree, my dad would get a cake for us and I would get a gift from Santa. At school, it was the most festive time of the year - we would sing carols, give food and clothes to charity, and we would deck the halls with boughs of holly (Fa la la la la la la la la) and mistletoe. I remember this one time when my sister signed the gift from Santa in her own writing and I got all suspicious. But she covered it up by saying that Santa was in a hurry and asked her to sign it. I actually bought that and continued to believe in Santa for another year or so.(Yes I know I was naive)

Anyway, this year, I indulged myself with a little Christmas gift. I figured I liked clicking pictures, so why not graduate from point and shoot to DSLR. So I got myself a Canon Rebel XS. If you are interested in technical specs, then please read the review here.

As expected, I am going to flood this space with some amateur photography while I learn to use it. Also as expected, you will be my critic and help me improve. Deal? Okay? Okay. Here are some of my clicks from the blizzard that wreaked havoc in New York over the Christmas weekend. I had read about blizzards in the fifth grade. We had this cute geography book which taught us about a place and natural phenomenon for every letter of the alphabet. So B for Brazil and B for Blizzard. I had never imagined I would actually get to experience one, but I did. Anyways, here are the pictures. Looking forward to your vishesh tippani! :)

Snow covered street

My Footsteps

Bush in hiding

Snow in a trash can

Mounds and mounds of snow

A long walk home

Snow at your doorstep

Diversity - While one tree has so many leaves, others don't have even a single leaf.

P.S I still believe in Santa. It may not be a man in red clothes with a snow-white beard, riding a sleigh pulled by reindeer, but I am sure there is someone out there who watches over us and gives us exactly what we need, when we need it :) 

P.P.S 2 down, 50 to go ;)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year to all!

This is the first post of 2011 and I just wanted to use this space to wish all of you a very happy new year! I have often wondered what the big deal about a new year is.  After all, a new year is just another date. But over time, I have realized it means much more to people. For those who’ve had a rough year, it brings new hope of sunshine and happiness. For those who’ve had a great year, it brings back good memories and a good feeling that the next year will bring more of such memories to cherish for years to come. Most importantly, I think it promises a fresh start. So raise your glasses, dear readers, and let’s toast to a year of joy, hope and love - Cheers!

I welcomed 2011 with a few friends in Cambridge. We had a quiet dinner at a Thai restaurant, relished some lip smacking dessert at another and ended the evening with a few games of good ol’ carom. Like good children, we also went to the temple on the 1st to seek God’s blessing for this coming year.
And a New Year would be incomplete without a New Year resolution. So even though The Boy insisted that I was perfect (**awww moment**), I still came up with a list of things I want to accomplish this year. Here goes:      

1.       Attain the perfect weight and a perfectly toned body. (Okay, don’t laugh)
2.       Catch up on my reading. (You would think that the books theme on this blog would be inspiration1 enough, but a Kindle might be necessary. This resolution was actually inspired by someone I know who read 52 books in less than 52 weeks. )
3.       Spend lots of quality time with family and friends.
4.       Learn to cook at least 52 different recipes. (Obviously, I am inspired1 by Julie & Julia)
5.       Learn to drive. (Very important)
6.       Blog at least 52 times this year. And hey 1 down, so 51 blog posts to go ;)
1We are sophisticated and hence we don’t copy. We are inspired. **Cough cough**

The above list is in no particular order. So please don’t complain by saying I put books and weight-loss above family and friends ‘cos you know I wouldn’t do that!  I also have a few other personal resolutions which I am not going to list here. But you get the drift ;)

So what’s your New Year resolution this year?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Sigh...Kids these days...

 Not so long ago, in a land not so far away, there was a little girl who’s favorite pastime was reading books, playing outdoors or some other such inexpensive pleasure. Fast forward 15 years, the big girl now doesn't read as many books as she would like, doesn't play any sport and most of her weekends are spent in shopping malls scouting for the best deals or indulging in culinary delights at restaurants, or some other such pleasure requiring her to spend money.

In case you didn’t get the hint already, the person in question here is yours truly. Now how can I not buy that perfect fitting jeans when the poster in the trial rooms says

 I wonder what has changed in these years. I used to be like any other kid. I went to school, played outdoors with friends, and went to karate/swimming/art/music classes. What happened that I no longer seem to do any of these things? Is it just me, or in general the scheme of things changed when I was not looking? Part of the change is that I now have a job and an in-flow of money. And we all know Newton’s third law – Every action requires an equal and opposite reaction. Going by that, an inflow of money requires an outflow of money too. But if an inflow of money required an equal outflow, then we wouldn't be saving any money. Thankfully, that law doesn't hold true in this case…at least for most of us!

Another glaringly obvious change is the revolutionizing technology that has made the world flat. Kids today are glued to the computer, in school and after school. I am not saying technology is bad because I, for one, cannot imagine my life without email, laptop and a cell phone. But my question is do we really need to start that early? And how much of a kid’s time is spent doing useful things on a computer. I am confident that a majority of it is spent on social networking and chatting. Not just that, they go to clubs and pubs, malls and restaurants, and throw expensive birthday parties much before mine or your generation ever dreamed of (Yes, I am talking like a grandmother and assuming my blogs limited readership doesn't include youngsters!).  Though I can’t find a solid argument as to what’s wrong with this change in culture, I still find it hard to come to terms with. As long as the kid has a sensible head on his/her shoulder, I think its fine. But it’s definitely not the kid’s fault if he/she is crossing the limits of acceptable behavior. Knowingly or unknowingly, parents encourage it or give in to it. A large part of it is due to the parents’ need to keep up with the Joneses. Or sometimes, it is the need to give their children the comforts and luxuries they always wanted but didn’t have.  Either way, they end up doing more harm than good. 

Another contributing factor that I see is the growing trend of nuclear families. Married couples move away from their families and most of the times both the parents are working. So the kids do not come home to the loving care of grandparents or their mother. While it is not realistic to say that parents should give up their careers once they have children, it is important that couples figure out some flexible working options to be able to spend time with their kids. However, in the not so ideal world, flexible working options are sometimes not available to everyone and many have to let go of their career aspirations and settle for a comfortable job that may not be the most challenging, but will allow them to spend more time with their kids. Sometimes, it boils down to a catch 22 situation. Do you  take up more challenging positions at work that will allow you to bring home a bigger package and provide better for your children, or should you take up a job that lets you spend more time with your kids albeit at a much lower salary? There are couples who strike a balance between both and manage to get the best of both worlds. But for others, it’s a tough choice that they have to make.

In my opinion, there is no right or wrong here, and there are just too many variables involved to be able to arrive at an ideal situation where each variable is set to a specific value. In the past the formula: mother_working = FALSE and Joint_family = TRUE and career aspirations = MEDIUM might have worked, but not today. So the best that you can do today is to bring up your children with values and teach them to be good human beings. If you have achieved that, consider it a job well done. Rest, they will figure it out as they go along. 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving weekend

Since we have decided to be sincere about our blogging this time around, here we are. The only way to keep me motivated at this is to appreciate me. So any/all feedback is not only welcome, it’s absolutely critical to the survival of this blog. Get the point? Good.

Anyway, so yours truly took her first vacation day off this year and decided to spend Thanksgiving in Boston. I wanted to catch up with all my friends before I leave. We dined, laughed, clicked random pics, walked around in the windy weather, and basically much fun was had. I had forgotten how cold Boston can get. I officially hate the winter weather. I had quite enjoyed the first winter, excitement about seeing snow for the firs time surpassed the pains of cold weather. I don't like it anymore. I hate wearing the thick jackets, gloves and hates. Anyway, enough cribbing. So back to the happy stuff. Black Friday Shopping! I actually woke up at 4:30 AM and was in the mall at 6:30. Madness. But it's the my last Black Friday sale, so why not go all out huh?! And it paid off, I got some good deals. So I'm happy. Oh, here's a picture from the trip:

And to continue the Thanksgiving theme:

Dear God,

Thank you so much for giving me such a good life. I am surrounded by people who love me so much, and who I love so much. I have a place I call home, people I can call, people who call me, people to visit, people who visit me, people who give me a ride and let me stay in their homes, people who care so much about me. I don't have to worry about where my next meal will come from. I don't have to think too much before buying the next gadget that I like. Thank you for keeping me healthy and happy and thank you for the most wonderful family & friends!


P.S. What are you thankful for?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A heartfelt Thank You note

Dear N,

Thank you for being such a good friend. You were there with me when I was lonely. You entertained me with something new every time. What would I have done this year without you? You were promptly at my doorstep when I needed you. Never missed any dates, never disappointed me. You even managed to bring some flavor of home. I am so grateful to you. And I must thank P for introducing me to you. Even though I am moving to India now, I will always think of you fondly. If you ever decide to come to India, rest assured, I will introduce you to all my friends. Thank you, Netflix.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Yet another comeback

So there's no point in me making a big hullabaloo about my comeback. Yes/No? If you said yes, then sorry, that's the wrong answer. If Hollywood, Bollywood, Tollywood, & not to forget - Kollywood (Am I forgetting any other wood?) celebrities are allowed multiple comebacks, then why not me I ask. Fair enough you say. Okay let's cut the crap. This is my yet-another-lame-attempt at keeping my blog alive. Lets see how long this one lasts. Hopefully longer than the last one. And obviously, a comeback has to be accompanied with a totally new look (you know how celebrities say " I have reinvented myself with this movie"), so I obviously had to reinvent myself with this blog and hence the new look. Hope you like it. 'Cos I do. It has one of my favorite things. Books! Lots of them. In all honesty, we haven't done much reading in the past year. Except for Eat Pray Love. Which we totally loved. If you haven't read it yet and if you are of the female race, do yourself a favor and read it. No, watching the movie is not good enough. And yes, we did watch a lot of movies this year. So much so that we can call this year - the year of the movies. And talking of Eat Pray Love - The movie. Not only did we watch it, we watched it in true eat pray love style: by promptly eating some spaghetti and gelato as soon as it got over - Totally Julia Roberts style. She looks kinda old in the movie. But we love her. Still. Bali looks heavenly. (Note to self - Gotta visit Bali.) Talking of Bali, S is in Jakarta for a couple of days. The currency there is really funny. 100 USD = 8,00,000 Rupiah (approx). So S has pocketful of 50,000 Rupiah notes. And he had dinner worth 75,000 Rupiah. It amuses the hell outta S. I really shouldn't be blogging now. I could have gone to the gym. But I chose to blog. Because I am passionate about blogging...oh well, or lazy about sweating it out at the gym(**Guilty**). Enough rambling for today. More to come. Soon.